Noonbory and the Super Seven Fanstuff Wiki


Kikibory is Lukybory's sister who has a super shriek. She once abused this power, however.

Kikibory has no biological parents, having been created by Bory scientists in order to clone Lukybory and to weaponize his nonsensical essence. Many defective Lukybories were created in this experiment, none as perfect as Mr.Nonsense himself. The scientists forced these defects to fight to the death if they wanted to see the light of day and to see the bory they were made to imitate with no avail. After days of grueling battle, Kikibory barely won and was set free. However, her mind is scarred and her body is permanently dyed in the scarlet blood of those who she had to mercilessly slaughter for her own well being.

About Her[]

Gender: Female

Features: Pink hair, pink hat, red dress

Age: 6

Best Friend: Cozybory

Nickname: Kiki

Catchphrases: unknown

MrMenCentral Fanon[]

  • Kikibory Nonsense

    Kikibory as she appears in hr's fanon

    She gains a symbol: a white megaphone. This symbol references her super shriek.